Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015






Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

Birthday On August

Happy Birthday to our beloved...

Florence (Nursery)

Adelle (Nursery)

Kimiko (K2)

Ms. Nidia

ECH’s Important Dates (August, 2015)

7 & 14
Fun Friday
Independence day celebration
Monthly Review

Monthly Article (july-August)

Article #1


The first day at school can be tough for children and parents, but with a little preparation it'll be easier for you to cope.

It helps if your child has the practical skills schools expect before they start. They will probably be quite nervous about starting. But you can't always tell who will settle and who won't. A sociable child won't necessarily fit into school straight away.

The idea of 'big school' can be very appealing for children, but it can also be quite frightening. It's useful to let your child know what's coming by reading them books about starting school and talking to them about it. That will reduce their anxiety.
Whatever your child's reaction to school, remember that the teachers will have seen it all before. Schools are familiar with children who are worried in their first few weeks. Find out what system your school uses, and then help prepare your child by letting them know what to expect.

*      The first weeks of school

School isn't easy for everyone. During the first few weeks of school it's essential to keep communicating with your child and take care to notice signs that things aren't going well.

The excitement of the first week has worn off, but they still feel nervous.  you can watch your child's behaviour as well as listen to what they say. Look at your child's behaviour in the morning when you get ready for school, Are they bright and lively, or dawdling? How do they react when you ask them how their day was?. Keep your questions simple. It's difficult for a five-year-old to answer a question about whether they're happy at school. You'll get more information if you ask specific questions, such as who did you play with? Who did you eat lunch with? ? Are there any naughty boys or girls in your class?

*      Talk to the teacher
Make the teacher the first person you contact if you think something is wrong. Start by passing on what your child said. For example, point out that your child started off by really enjoying school, but is now nervous and has told you that somebody kicked him. Or mention that your child says he doesn't have any friends. The teacher will know whether that's the case or not.

It can be hard to cope when you see your child lining up in the playground for the first time. This is normal.
It's your child's first real step to independence. It'll be a world that they know and you don't. When your child settles down and enjoys school, it's a tribute to how well you have raised him or her, so try to look at itpositively.

Article #2

Teaching Patriotism to Kids

Patriotism means love, respect and loyalty towards one’s country. Instilling values of patriotism in children will help them to become responsible citizens. Indonesia is a great country with a rich culture and heritage. There were many great leaders and freedom fighters who fought bravely for independence. Parents must try their best to ensure that children love and respect their motherland. Here is how you can instil patriotism in your children.

Teaching Them about Great Indonesian Leaders
Many great leaders such as Soekarno, Pangeran Diponegoro, Kartini, etc  have been born in our country. They underwent great sacrifices and hardships for achieving independence. Parents or grandparents should definitely teach children about these leaders.

Teaching Them about Respect and Honour
Children should be taught to honour and respect the national flag, national emblem and other national symbols. They must be taught to stand up when the national anthem is being played anywhere. They should be taught to never destroy national property and always be civil citizens. Along with this, they should also be taught to keep their country clean. They should be taught to avoid littering on roads. Keeping your city, state and country clean shows respect for your country.  

Patriotic Activities
You can teach your children patriotic songs. You can get the lyrics printed on a paper and sing together with them. Encourage your children to participate in Independence Day functions. Take your kids out to visit historic places or national monuments together as a family.

Make Use of Media
You can show your kids DVD’s and videos which have a strong patriotic flavour. You can check out some classic books related to the freedom struggle and other similar books which can build a spirit of patriotism in your child.

Sharing Stories
Parents and grandparents should share stories of the freedom struggle. Old people especially might have some interesting stories to share. Schools should encourage interaction between defence personnel and children. Parents and schools can collaborate together and invite defence personnel such as members from the Army, Air Force and others to share stories of war, etc. This will interest the children and provide them an opportunity to have close interaction with these persons. Patriotism should be taught to children so that they become better citizens. After all, children are the future of the country and we must strive to make the future bright.


-Ms. Nurbani-
Main teacher @ Toddler Class

-Ms. Oktaviani-
Asst. teacher @ Toddler Class

-Ms. Lolin-
Main teacher @ Nursery Class

-Ms. Amelia-
Asst. teacher @ Nursery Class

-Ms. Radini-
Main teacher @ Kindy 1 Class
-Ms. Arrien-
Asst. teacher @ Kindy 1 Class

-Ms. Astri-
Main teacher @ Kindy 2 Class

-Ms. Nidia-
Asst. teacher @ Kindy 2 Class

Lao shi Vera
Mandarin Teacher


Dear parents,

Welcome to the month of July and August!
On behalf of the staff at Ecole Children House, I am happy to welcome you to the new Academic Year 2015-2016! I hope you and your child had a wonderful holiday. 
We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure that our children can achieve their highest potential. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children's success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. Together we can make a great difference!

We ask that you guide and support your child's learning by ensuring that
he/she :

  1. attends school daily and arrives on time.
  2. completes all his/her assignments given by teachers.
  3. shares school experiences with you so that you are aware
    of his/her school life.
Please take note of our upcoming highlights:

July event:
Ecolettes will celebrate Idul Fitri celebration on the last week of July. I would like to wish you and all Muslims a very happy Idul Fitri. May you have reaped great spiritual rewards from the season of Ramadan.

August event::
This year, we will be celebrating our  70th  Independence Day of our  great Nation.  Our children will learn and celebrate this historic event. On this  joyous occasion I convey my good wishes to all Indonesians living in this beautiful  country  and  pray  for  their  peace, prosperity and progress for our nation.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if there is a question or situation you would like to discuss.

Thank you.
Warm Regards,

Evi Jovita